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Chapter eleven of the Book Divine Power of Love



chapter eleven
chapter eleven

[PART II: The Manifestation] CHAPTER ELEVEN

Eucharist: the great mystery of God’s love for men


Jesus affirms: “My Heart has the right to be loved. Thats the reason why I have descended”.

6-4-1966 The poor soul – Morning: 3:30. Always suffering.
The meeting lasted nearly two hours and was very painful.

The Voice – Give me a love of reparation… in how many souls I shall be crucified anew on this Easter season! They don’t know what they do… That’s why there is a need for spiritual renewal. And this is the reason why, having come to save and not to condemn, I ask my Church to accept my invitation of salvation for this poor humanity driven to perdition through so many errors!…

The poor soul – “O most kind Heart of my Jesus! O how great is Thy Kindness! While we betray you, you do but invent new means to touch our hearts and, thus make us, return to You! O unspeakable charity of a God!”

The Voice – Yes, it is really so: for my Heart has the right to be loved… That is the reason why I have descended… the aim of my coming is the triumph of my Heart. As for you, be prepared for you have a great responsability about all that… but my Heart shall assist you.


Holy Eucharist is the great mystery of the love of God for men, his most astonishing manifestation and the most marvellous.

9-4-1966 The poor soul – Morning: early hours. She is still suffering.

The Voice – Eucharist is the great mystery of God’s love for men. It is the most astonishing and marvellous manifestation! In this gift God has reserved nothing for himself but He has given himself entirely to humanity. Oh! how great is my desire that the souls come to me… come to my Heart… the souls for whom I’ve sacrificed everything… without sparing anything which was most dear to me, so as to bring them to my Love!
In spite of this, now it seems that humanity feel sick from the great gift of my real presence on earth. My heart throbs at this and is afflicted. Even among my most intimates, so often I don’t find the comprehension and the answer which I need and to which I am entitled… should then my Heart let itself be overcome before so much misunderstanding and ingratitude? Should I always see my love so unappreciated, negletted, misunderstood? This would be an offense too great for my infinite charity!… So, here is the new means I wish to put in the hands of the Church, my Spouse: the glorification of the Holy Spirit… I beg her ardently to accept it… to give it all the importance that it merits… and I assure her that, very soon, she will see abundant fruits thereof. If they answer my voice, the great plan of love and reparation to the extreme love of my Heart shall be realised in this way for the glory of my Father.
That the Eternal Divine Spirit be known, loved and glorified so that my Heart will be satisfied.

The above text has been written under the direct motion of the mysterious power. The seance lasted around two hours.

The poor soul – After the meetings of the Holy Week a silence came upon the soul of the poor creature, a silence calm and serene. We shall now see what the Lord asks. I’m ready for anything.

26-4-1966 The poor soul – There is still silence in my soul. Oh! Yet how glad and happy am I! I think that even in this situation I still remain in the arms of my infinitely good Lord.


The little soul finds herself in great pain. For her, however, one only thing matters, what pleases the Lord, and she feels ready for everything.

28-4-1966 The poor soul – Noon. During her particular exam.
Maybe my soul is going through a new trial… How explain what happens inside me?… At any rate I do not wish to take this as a trial which would be sent simply to make me suffer… but rather as a sign quite evident that He approaches my soul to accomplish his mystery of love.

The poor soul – Evening, 17:30.
My soul is still suffering that unexplainable pain, yet I’m glad just the same, since I believe that if his divine Kindness makes it this way, it’s because now this is good. That’s why, even if he wanted this to last for the whole eternity, I would be equally happy… since what interests me now is not what pleases me, but only what He decides. Thus to suffer or to rejoice is for me the same… since my happiness is He and not what I feel or what happens in me. The Good… the unique Good, is himself… outside of him everything is nothingness.

17-5-1966 The poor soul – Yesterday the sacred Minister of God came. If I could at least show some gratitude in return!

18-5-1966 The poor soul – The soul is in a great agony… “My Lord Jesus Christ… Here I am, take me provided my soul can come to where You await it… and make of me what you will… I am ready for everything… for everything… My God, do you hear me?… for everything! Still I pray you, show me your ways. Amen!”

19-5-1966 The poor soul – The Feast of Ascension.
Day of great tribulation. At evening meditation: “My God, how much my soul suffers, my heart is broken! But I accept everything… Yes, everything… take me for whatever side You wish… for me everything is the same… provided I attain to where you wait for me… and if this is meant by you to better prepare me to receive what you desire… I’m ready again… Yet, what am I saying? My Lord, help me… Yes, I’m ready, but come, descend… and may the Divine Spirit support me! Amen!”


Definition of the Holy Spirit: “The Holy Spirit is the Love of the Father and of the Son.
He is the Divine Charity who, going out of his inner abode, gives itself and spreads itself on the whole creation, on things and in the hearts of men”.

20-5-1966 The poor soul – Morning: early hours. Afther three days of so many sufferings.
Not long after awaking, the soul feels attracted, submerged by the familiar mysterious action.

The Voice – The Holy Spirit is the Love of the Father and the Son. He is the Divine Charity that, coming out from His inner abode, gives Himself, spreads upon the whole creation, upon things, and in a special way upon the hearts of men, to make of them His tiny Paradise on earth, to transport them then into the endless joy of the possession of Himself in Paradise.
This is the mission of the Eternal divine Spirit. Now, it has been decided concerning you that you may penetrate much more intimately in my Love so the world may know afterwards, how great, infinite the solicitude of my Heart is for its salvation… so that it may know and well understand that I neglect nothing to procure the greatest good to humanity. This humanity which is to me the cause of so much sufferings! For that purpose I chose you and made you my victim of love… so that you may be then my interpreter towards my Church and that you may show it, in my name, my cry, at present time… cry by which, like a new throb of my Heart, I intend to visit her and give her a new means of salvation.
When the time shall come you will make known by what practical means, I desire Him to be honoured. For the time being may you add to the morning and night prayers: Glory, adoration, blessings and Love to You Divine Eternal Spirit who sent on earth the Saviour of our souls. And glory and honour to his most adorable Heart who loves us with an infinite love!


An invitation of Jesus: “Settle yourselves in the tender dwelling of my presence in you”.

The poor soul – Morning: during Holy Mass.
The soul is strongly caught up as if she is in raptures. She expresses to Jesus the desire of His sacred Minister and Jesus answers:

The Voice – Draw from the sources of my grace… Exalt yourselves with my love… invoke, request the Spirit of my Heart… become strangers to all things of the earth… and settle yourselves in the tender dwelling of my presence in you.

The poor soul – Early morning.
“O Most High, Divine Spirit, sweet symphony of love of the three Divine Persons, I adore you! I consecrate all myself to You. You are the manifestation of the mysterious throbbing of kindness and redemption of the merciful Heart of the only Begotten Son of the Father. You are, with the Father and the Son, the power and the smile of the universe… You are the chastity of Virgins… the innocence of children… the ardent love of all Your elects: those who have been chosen to publish the mysterious riches of the Love of God, Three times Holy… You are the divine leaven hidden in all baptised, to enlighten and sanctify the elects for the Celestial Home (The soul at this moment is in raptures) O God! O Divine Spirit!… you have inebriated me of You! You submerge me!… I adore you! Make of me what you want. Ah! have pity, speak to me of my Lord Jesus, show me the face of His ways…”.


The faith of the good people will be put to a hard test. On account of this he recommends that we listen to His voice and honour the Holy Spirit by a special cult.

22-5-1966 The poor soul – Evening, 17:00 o’clock. Meditation.
The soul would like to meditate but she is forced to yield to the power which attracts and torments her.

The Voice – Listen to my voice so that the world may know that I love the Father and always do what He desires:
Even more calamitous times will come for humanity… for the Church… and faith of good people will be put to a hard test… Let my Voice be listened to… let the Holy Spirit be honoured… After twenty centuries of very clear evidence of His all-powerful assistance, the time has come for Him to be recognized, honoured and glorified by a very special cult. It is time to understand the necessity of this due cult, in which I assure you is to be found the only hope, for the present and the future. O, yes, let the eternal Divine Spirit, Love of the Father and the Son be glorified, honoured and loved… in whom and by whom also the kingdom will know a greater triumph.

The poor soul – There is no more time.


The soul declares that, while being a vile and most unworthy instrument, she is always ready to follow the Holy Spirit in all that it wants.

The poor soul – Evening: 17.30. The soul is tortured.
“O Divine Spirit… o untold and most loving torment of all my being… what you make me endure in this novena dedicated by Your Church to pray You! Do you still want anything else from Your little creature? You know well I’m prepared for everything… yes, let it be done… let everything be done… and for ever. As for me, I shall always be but a vile and most unworthy instrument which will always remain hidden, for that is what Your creature desires… But remember that what You will I shall always accomplish! Always! Yes, always, provided the Reign of love of my most beloved Lord Jesus be known, accepted, embraced and established in all men, for the glory of the Father, of the Son and of You! Amen!”