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Chapter nine of the Book Divine Power of Love


Chapter Nine
Chapter Nine

[PART II: The Manifestation] CHAPTER NINE

The voice who speaks to the soul is the voice of Jesus


The voice orders her to report the things that happen in her soul by these words: “The Lord told me…”. God inhabits the soul who is seized by His inexpressible love.

4-3-1966 The poor soul – Morning: after Holy Communion.

The Voice – Even if it hurts you, tell my Minister. In the future you shall make yourself known to him by saying: My Lord told me… My Lord made me know… My Lord desires… O! if you knew the gift of God! The gift of my Heart! But it’s better, for the time being, all this be hidden to you, otherwise it would kill you.

The poor soul – Even in the other exchanges (shorter) she feels the same thing! But to be forced to say it, is very painful!

8-3-1966 The poor soul – Evening meditation.
The soul suffers a lot and cannot set her attention on an object of her choice. Then she is forced to write: “It should not be kept as an extraordinary fact that the God of infinite love attracts to Himself a soul… Does He not inhabit our souls? And don’t we all belong to His Heart? O, foretaste of Paradise for a soul entirely possessed by inexpressible love of God! All the rest is nothing! O God! O God! O God! You are more and more my only and unique Good! The only necessary Good!”

9-3-1966 The poor soul – Morning: after Communion
The soul is strongly seized by the mystery. “O Divine Spirit, You are an emanation of the inexpressible palpitations of the most Holy Heart of Jesus, the beloved Son of the Eternal Father in Whose bosom all is realised.
But You, light, warmth, power, life, support, delight, You are the revealer, the overflow… the inundation… Oh! take also my soul, flood her, submerge her all in You! I have such a need of that. Amen!”

The poor soul – Evening, during Meditation.
The soul suffers very much! Oh what mystery! “O my Lord, if you want more… tell me… I am ready for everything!”


Jesus asks her the greatest fidelity, for the glorification of the Holy Spirit that is near.

10-3-1966 The poor soul – Morning: after Holy Communion.
The soul is forced to retire.

The Voice – The more time passes, the more the realisation of my designs for the glorification of the Holy Spirit approaches. Follow me faithfully… and I shall renovate your souls… and I shall introduce them in my Heart, so that afterwards they may, serve me freely for the accomplishment of the great Work!

11-3-1966 The poor soul – In the morning.
A strong foreboding keeps the spirit in suspense since the morning, and during her practice of piety and later, while she hears repeatedly: “At nine o’clock I shall visit you”.

The soul tries to take no account of this, while being in the disposition of nothingness in the arms of the divine will.
Oh, yet in the meanwhile how much she suffers! At nine o’clock, while she is in her office, she must go to her room. In the meanwhile she hears a voice whispering to her:

The Voice – It is necessary to go beyond the boundaries of human contingencies and come into my arms.

The poor soul – Once she’s there, she feels very strongly attracted and immersed in the infinite, that is in the incomprehensible, and in the meanwhile she does nothing but exclaim: “O Son of God! O son of God! O inexpressible Love! O Divine Spirit, love of the Father and of the Son. O Father! O Divine Father! O depth of all goodness! O Divine Bosom of the eternal Father”. What moments! Who could tell anything about them? Finally, my Lord says to my soul:

The Voice – Follow me faithfully… I shall transform your souls, and transform your hearts, so that you may be my testimonies to the Church and to all peoples,… the first by the martyrdom of the heart and life, (by suffering)… and the second by the martyrdom of the word and of the action… I, your Lord… The Love and Sanctifier of your souls.


Jesus requests the heart of His intimate friends so as to transform them… and moreover he invites them to cooperate to the new restoration of the Kingdom of His Love.

15-3-1966 The poor soul – Morning of great mystery.
After Holy Mass the soul is forced to keep apart because she is strongly caught by the mysterious action. As usual, as soon as she arrives to her room she is still more in raptures… After a few moments of intimate conversation with the Divine Host, while she is strongly invaded by a mysterious torture, my Lord says:

The Voice – Give me your heart… give me your heart… I need it! Give me your heart as it is. It suffices me that you give it fully, whole-heartedly, without any condition… I shall transform it and shape it following the plan of my Love! I need your cooperation for the coming of a new re-establishment of the Reign of my Love by means of the glorification of the Holy Spirit. Help me, follow me… and I shall reveal to you my ways… the ways of the mystery of my Love. Then, at the right moment everything will be fulfilled.
I am the Christ, the Son of the living God, who, in the fires of the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns in the bosom of the Father.


Tell my Church to listen to the cry of my Heart… and the souls will walk again on the right road for the hearts of men will change.

16-3-1966 The poor soul – Late in the evening.
After an hour and a half of strong suffering.

The Voice – The work started by my love in your soul shall be accomplished… I am the Lord! And remember that I shall become extremely jealous of my secrets committed to your hands… for my heart needs extremely faithful cooperators… who won’t spare nothing to fulfil the task they have been appointed.
Oh, how much I need souls! How much I need souls! Tell my Church that she should readily listen to the cry of my Heart… and the souls shall again follow the straight and narrow path, because the hearts of men will change! For this purpose did I select you… for this purpose have I elected you… but you will always remain hidden in my Heart, until I dispose otherwise myself… The one who will act, on the contrary, is my Minister, to whose hands everything must be entrusted.

The poor soul – During that same night, for half an hour of suffering in company with Jesus, the soul in strongly enraptured: “O Divine Spirit, love of the Father and of the Son… You are that Sacred Fire who, being unable of withholding in the confines of your abode, overflowed and inundated the whole of creation. O consuming, purifying, vivifying Fire, take my soul… submerge it, warm it up, purify it, sanctify it, consume it…
Make it a flame of the purest love… so it may obtain to enter in the Sacred Chest of the kind Lord Jesus, and become really one with his most adorable Heart: I beg you! And, once arrived in that Divine Abode, the Eternal Divine Father, lowering Himself lovingly, may take it in His arms and submerge it in the bosom of His merciful, inexpressible love for ever and ever. Amen!”