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Chapter six of the Book Divine Power of Love


Chapter six of the Book Divine Power of Love
Chapter six of the Book Divine Power of Love

[PART II: The Manifestation] CHAPTER SIX

A new era will begin for whole humanity


Once again Jesus gives her the mission to have his Church know his desire: a cult for a greater glory of the Holy Spirit.

8-12-1965 The poor soul – Morning, as usual.
My soul is strongly caught by the mystery which envelops me and attracts me totally. “Today is the feast of the Immaculate! Glory to the Father, to the Son, to the Holy Spirit by the Immaculate Mary! Glory, glory, adoration, blessing, love, thanksgiving for ever and ever! Amen!
And glory to Christ, my love, who submerges me all in him… God, my God! O unique love of all the Saints, I adore Thee!”­

The Voice – The hour has now come for the building of my glory rise upon thy nothingness. Leave me the full possession of your soul, so I may act freely… Leave me the total possession of all your being, so I might dispose of it according to my designs… Now, I tell you again, I entrust you with the mission to make my Church know that she must give a cult of greater glory to the Holy Spirit: thus, this divine fire will light up among the faithful for their salvation and for the honour and glory of the Most Holy Trinity, to whom all is owed for eternal centuries.

The poor soul – “My Lord… I commit myself into Your hands… do what you want. For, if you are to use this nothingness, it is well understood that you will do everything yourself. May it be so!”

10-12-1965 The cult to the Divine Eternal Spirit is the mightiest means, the most effective and the surest to renovate mankind.
The poor soul – Morning. The soul is immerged in her Lord.

The Voice – If you entered my Heart, you would find but charity, love. Even justice is, in its depth, charity. May all men know and understand it… Well now, this cult to the Eternal Divine Spirit, which is the substantial Love of the Father and the Son, is the mightiest means, the most effective and the surest to understand my Heart… I desire it… I ask you… It’s necessary, that in due time happen this renewal of humanity in his unspeakable ardours.
It will be like the completion of the honour due to my Heart, it will be the glory of the Father and the Son… the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.


Jesus assure that burning flames of charity will gush from his Heart and that the souls will find more rapidly the way to salvation and sanctification.

11-12-1965 The poor soul – Morning, 5:00 o’clock.
After an hour of mysterious action. Moments of love and mystery. “My God… may I be consumed by the flames of Your Charity… so that I might realise your mystery in my soul! O God, my God, show me Your face, the face of Your ways… I shall follow You by any means, should I fall exhausted along the way. O divine rapture, of my soul, You alone can appease me… You alone can transform me! O divine bliss, I adore You, and in You I immerse myself completely”.

The Voice – You are mine… I have chosen you. For that reason l rely on you. Therefore you will make my wish manifest (in due time) and I assure you that the flames of my love will flow out from my Heart in torrents as from a burning furnace of charity and souls will more readily find the way to salvation and sanctification. I ask you… I beg you… And this will be a complement of the cult due to my Heart who, thus, shall be truly honoured and glorified. And may this be for the glory of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The poor soul – Amen.

12-12-1965 Morning, moments of amorous mystery.­

The Voice – Glory to the Father, in to the Son and in the Holy Spirit… by the Son and the Holy Spirit… with the Son and the Holy Spirit. And… in the little creature!

The poor soul – As in raptures: “O delicious beatitude of the Three Divine Persons!… My soul adores you and immerges itself entirely in you! Amen! Amen!”


If the invitation is answered, a “new era” will open for the whole humanity.

14-12-1965 The poor soul – Long meeting. Evening, 21:30.

The Voice – It is through the Charity of the Father and the Son that men have come back to a filial relationship with God. In fact, God has seen them through the Face of his only Begotten Son, and has loved them through an infinite love of mercy, without giving attention to his own offended Divine Majesty. But all that happened in the inexpressible flames of the Holy Spirit, the Substantial Love of the Father and the Son… and again it is through the same Spirit who sustains and governs all, that the visible and invisible things keep on being.
Thence the necessity to pay a due homage to the Eternal Divine Spirit: homage of a deeper adoration, blessing, love. And if my Spouse, the Church, accepts the message that I desire to entrust to you and, through your intermediary, to my Minister, she will realize that she has opened a new way to humanity, a luminous way of light and warmth all divine, in which the souls will be more readily inclined to recognize and love God, their Creator and Redemptor… thus a new era will open up for the whole humanity.


The desire of Jesus must be manifested. The Era of the Holy Spirit has to begin.

17-12-1965 The poor soul – Morning, 12:00 o’clock. After nearly an hour of contact with the supernatural:

The Voice – I want to make of you the Messenger of my Love… Love of the Holy Spirit, which proceeds from the Father and the Son… who forms the intimate union of the Father and the Son… and who, with the Father and Son, rules and governs all… and with the Father and Son constitutes the eternal beatitude of the living God, Three Times Holy. He is infinite Love whom the Father wants to reveal once again to men, so they may obtain salvation. The cult that I request will be but a new manifestation of the infinite Love of my Heart, of this Heart who, being passionate in his love for men, is never tired of creating new means to manifest itself so as to better reach them and lead them all to eternal salvation.
This will be revealed by the one who, in the meantime, is its depository, that is my Minister.

21-12-1965 The poor soul – Morning, 5:20.
After three days of tormenting suffering, the soul is suddenly caught.

The Voice – It persists… what has been established… persists… I am the Almighty… You, you will disappear from the face of the earth, but the desire of my Heart, which is included in the designs of my Father, must be manifested to my Church. The era of the Holy Spirit shall begin, the Spirit, Love of the Father and the Son… Renewal of Christian life in the infinite effusions of my Heart… whose unique desire is to give itself in order to illuminate, convert, save and sanctify all men. This is what I ask from you and I desire that it may be known by the means of my Minister who, in the meantime, remains its depositary.

The poor soul – Same day, at 12 o’clock, in the church.
What a change! Now my soul overflows with joy. My God, what invasion of happiness! All in me turns to joy. Should I, at least, isolate myself and throw myself at the feet of my adorable Lord to tell Him… What? That I shall always be his. Let Him make of me always and in everything what He wants. Besides, one cannot have so much attention for a nothing. And I’m not simply a nothingness, but I’m (and this is still worse) a miserable arrogant… Oh, but He does not stop at that… He wants love and that love He will always find.


The cult of the Holy Spirit is the complement of the cult of the Sacred Heart.

28-12-1965 The Voice – My interest has led you to this.

The poor soul – The soul is like in ecstasy! “O God, infinite Love, One and Trine… I dive in the unlimited ocean of Your Divine Essence, as a little drop”.

The Voice – And we’ll come… and make our dwelling in her.

The poor soul – “O God, God, God, make of me what you want… that I may be absorbed, all lost in you!”

The Voice – I could act by myself, yet, however, I want to be in need of you. Men do not want to accept my Love, which I have manifested to them in so many ways… What else should I devise to touch their hearts?

The poor soul – “Lord, You are infinitely merciful… You can do everything… have again pity on humanity”.

The Voice – Well, then, be the depositary of the new means I wish to use and which will be the completion of the cult due to my Sacred Heart and the most ardent manifestation of my infinite Love. Yes, once more, I don’t want to be tired with men. But they, and in the first place my Church, must be open to my new message, and render to my Eternal Divine Spirit the honour which is rightly due to Him and which, until now, has not been given to Him totally. Its up to you to keep its secret.

29-12-1965 The poor soul – During the morning. The soul is forcefully raptured in the supernatural. “My God, I’m Yours… here am I!”
The Voice – All those who have had confidence in Love and have answered to it, shall be consumed in It. The Father shall descend and tenderly incline himself to kiss them and embrace them lovingly on his inexpressible Heart, for He finds in them the image of His Word perfectly reproduced… blessed ecstasy of the Three Divine Persons in a unique, only Love. That is why I chose you and I loved you with such a love…

The poor soul – Moments of Paradise. “Enough, my God, otherwise I shall faint”.

The Voice – …I have loved you with an exceptional love, so that you may be, you also, submerged and consumed in the flames of the same eternal Love. However, you must always stay near me and follow me everywhere I want to lead you… I’m the Love of your soul, in the ardours of the Holy Spirit, in the bosom of the Father.

The poor soul – “O God, infinite love… to You One and Trine, glory, honour, blessing, adoration, triumph for ever and ever… Amen! Amen! Amen!”