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Chapter sixteen of the Book Divine Power of Love


chapter sixteen
chapter sixteen




Jesus desires that the new title “Divine Power of Love” be attributed to the Holy Spirit. “Divine Power” for he comes from God, “Power of Love” for God is Love. It is the most glorious title.

1-12-1966  The poor soul – Morning: 5:00. The soul is strongly caught.
“O my God I love you, for you have been with me since the begining of my life… I adore you because you are the wholeness, and I am a nothingness… but to this nothingness you have given a heart, a soul, a life so that I may offer them, sacrifice them to you… So here am I. Do with me what you want!…”.

The Voice – The attribute which shall give the happiest impression in presenting this new appeal of my Heart in honour of the Holy Spirit, shall be the most glorious for Him: that is, “DIVINE POWER OF LOVE”. Do you understand? Divine power, but power of love. Love being in the Father and the Son, but which longs to give itself, to make itself understood, so that He may bring all men to my Heart. He is the Divine Power of Love which rules and governs all things. That’s why it is necessary that the hearts of men recognize His continuous action and love Him and glorify Him.

The poor soul – “O God… O Divine Power of Love, I am the first to adore You… I love you… I consecrate myself totally to you, all for you and forever!”


The little soul is caught and conquered by the Divine Power of Love and she sings to God the Father, to the Word of God, to the Most Holy Triad, to the Immaculate.

8-12-1966 The poor soul – A great feast: the Immaculate!
A day with a totally new aspect. On awakening, the little creature, is almost immediately caught by the mystery of the day and spontaneously exclaims: “Mary is Immaculate, the most pure, the Virgin Mother, the Martyr par excellence, the Queen of heaven and of the whole universe!”
At church, after Matins, the little soul is forced to go out because she is more strongly in raptures. Once in her room: “O God… my God… O Divine Power of Love, I adore You! I love You! I surrender totally to You… O Divine Invasion, here am I in Your arms… make of me what You will… O God… O most delicious Triad, I love You… O paradise… o endless delights, o immense Heavens… infinite… O creatures all of you, work of the Divine Power of Love… sing… let us sing… love… let us love… the Divine Power of Love.
O Immaculate… o most high, inexpressible, sublime creature of the Divine Power of Love… O how great You are… how sublime!… You are the most high creature… You live in the Bosom of the Three, in the joy of the Divine Power of Love, of the Eternal Divine Spirit… Oh, let’s sing, adore the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit… for ever and ever.
O Jesus, Son of God, Word of the Father, conceived in the flames of the Holy Spirit, here I am then, finally me too, in your arms… near your Heart. What shall I answer to your Minister?”

The Voice – Do not fear… what I told you is still valid: the attribute under which I desire the eternal Divine Spirit to be honoured and glorified will be: “Divine Power of Love”. This is what goes for you till now: as for the rest it will be manifested later on to my… For you, always hiding, sacrifice and prayer… Be, nevertheless, sure that I shall always have you in my Heart… so that everything may come true and always according to my will.


It is only fair that where the Holy Virgin is so much honoured in the first moment of her Incarnation, there in the same way, be honoured the Holy Spirit who was its inexpressible Author.

10-12-1966 The poor soul – After Holy Communion, the little creature is forced to leave the church under the strong pressure of the mysterious action. After such a suffering, she hears:

The Voice – I will carry you in my arms… in my Heart, so that you may get to the place where I am waiting for you. Then the Holy Spirit will assist you, guide you, hold you so that everything may happen for the greatest glory of my Heart… which is the Reign of my Love…
Thus it is only fair that where my Most Holy Mother is so devoutly honoured in the mystery of the first moment of my Incarnation as Word of the Father, may also be honoured the eternal Divine Spirit who was its inexpressible Author…
May, then, my Minister have no fear, for I Myself will guide him in all his steps.

The poor soul – “This reflexion has not been written at the very moment when the little creature was under the mysterious action for she was too much caught and didn’t have the strength to do it”.


Jesus affirms that everything that happened in the soul of the “Poor Creature” is the work of His Love.

17-12-1966 The poor soul – Morning: after Holy Communion.
The soul is so caught that she must leave for her room.

The Voice – Reassure my Minister, all that has happened in your soul is entirely the work of my Love… all has happened to give to the mankind of today a new means by which they can recover more easily the way that leads to my Heart… that is my Reign of Love.
The poor soul – How it hurts in her soul to be forced to reveal this detail!

The Work is passed on to the Minister of God who must not act alone. The poor soul shall support him by her prayer and sacrifice while remaining in the shade.

18-12-1966 The poor soul – Mornig: 5:00.
Slowly the soul is invaded by a great suffering.
“O God… O Divine Power of Love… In what torture is my soul… it scares me terribly! O, let me attain to the Father who has created me… the Son who redeemed me… Your protection… Your support, Your vivifying… transforming warmth! O my Lord Jesus Christ… is this, how You treat Your little creature?”

The Voice – If the task to direct my Work to its end is now committed to my Minister, this doesn’t mean that he has to remain alone… On the contrary, as long as there is time is, he will continue receiving your confidences. Haven’t I chosen you both to glorify my Heart?

The poor soul – O my God, how much help my soul needs… so as to sustain the great weight of these days! O my God!

28-1-1967 The poor soul – After Holy Mass and Holy Communion she is again caught and must retire. After several minutes of strong attraction by the sacred presence of the divine Guest, He finally makes himself heard:

The Voice – Two different roads… one conist in hiding, the other, in acting.

The poor soul – The little creature is tempted not to write, because she does not understand the meaning of what has been said.

2-2-1967 The poor soul – Feast of the Purification.
After Holy mass and Holy Communion, the soul feels strongly caught and not being able to react, she is forced to exit, and while being mysteriouly tormented she seeks to converse with the Divine Guest, and ends by exclaiming: “O Divine Power of Love, show me the ways of my Lord”. After a few moments:

The Voice – To you, withdrawal, sacrifice, prayer… to him, the action guided by my Love. And the small seed shall grow and produce an abundance of fruits of grace and love in the glorification of the Holy Spirit.


Jesus affirms: “This Work gives me already much glory and my Heart is greatly consoled by it. There, my Spirit shall descend and take possession”.

4-2-1967 The poor soul – Early morning. Not having manifested himself for some time, his visit is a great surprise.

The Voice – Since, in my presence, all is eternally present so, although this Work is but at its first steps, right now, it gives me great glory and my Heart receives great consolations, for my Spirit shall descend upon it, take possession of it so as to diffuse later His rays of love and grace to the ultimate confines of the earth.

The poor soul – The soul is caught always more strongly and she exclaims: “O Divine Power of Love… O Heart of my very tender Lord, how good and merciful you are! Is it thus that you pay back our immense lack of gratitude?”

The Voice – Let me do… I need to give myself… to love… to benefit… to sanctify… to build my Kingdom on the Power of my Love in many souls, for they are my most agreeable dwelling, because I have paid for them the infinite price of all my Blood.

23-4-1967 The poor soul – Evening: 5:00. During the meditation.
How much suffering! The poor creature is unable of meditating. “Having deposed my soul on the Paten and in the Chalice, which other dwelling could I desire? In fact, to renew myself in full fidelity and love, that is, so that all in me become sacrifice, adoration, immolation… and that nothing is lost… I must be disposed to suffer and accept everything… even… It is terrible! It is frightening! But it is thus! As I have given myself up, I belong no more to myself, but I’m completely His. Amen”.


Jesus will take revenge against the ungrateful humanity by sending on earth this new means of salvation.

26-4-1967 The poor soul – Morning, everything is in a great mystery.
After Holy Mass, the little creature is forced to go to her room for she is so caught that she can’t resist. Once there, feeling still more in raptures, she yields whole heartedly to the power. After some ten minutes, the voice of her Kind Lord is heard:

The Voice – I shall revenge against this ungrateful humanity… Yes, I shall revenge… but by giving it a new means of salvation… for my heart wishes that men be saved and live… and not perish eternally. And you, reassure my… tell him that during the celebration of the Holy Mass and all along the following circumstances, he shall have all the necessary lights for the realization of the work.

The poor soul – “Lord, our God, how much you will be glorious and elated with joy when finally your Heart shall be glorified in the triumphs and conquests of your most ardent Spirit the Consoler”.


Glory to the Father now and always… for he will renew the earth by the breath of the Consoler Spirit

April 1967 The poor soul – “Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit! As it was in the beginning… O, yes, as it was in the beginning, when nothing existed outside You, o God our Lord, nothing existed and You, on the contrary lived in the joy of Your infinite love and danced in Your glory, eternally blessed… For You alone are the Holy One, You alone are the Most High, You alone are the Lord… to whom all glory is due!
And now… o Divine Paradise… O God, our Lord… O yes, now as in the beginning! Glory! Glory! Because You deigned to descend on this miserable earth…, while remaining in Your glorious and eternal Reign. You made yourself one of us and carried the burden of our iniquities and redeemed us before the Father at the cost of Your own life… Therefore may we sing all glory and all honour for ever and ever!
And always! Indeed! Always glory, honour, triumph… and on the whole creation, on all things… but mostly on all hearts… yes, glory… but a full glory, a complete, universal and eternal glory!… For You are our hope, our refuge, our strength, our heritage, our beatitude for time and eternity!
And glory also because, in the inexpressible breath of Your Spirit, the Consoler, You will renew the face of the earth… You will draw to Yourself a multitude of souls to the glory of Your Heart and for the triumph of Your Holy Church. Amen!”


The poor creature feels so little that she is in need of being penetrated still more by the God of love.

7-5-1967 The poor soul – Sunday: evening meditation.
How much mystery!
“The plenitude which invades my soul doesn’t allow me to meditate as I would. If at least, I could sing to You a canticle, a hymn of love, that would be less unworthy of You, o God, who are the Eternal, Untold, Divine Love! Nothing: I feel very, very little!… But what am I doing then? O, mystery of a God of love!… So I shall let You penetrate even more in my poor, little soul, so that You may always take a greater possession of it, You may surround and overwhelm it as You wish… and make of it Your permanent dwelling for time and eternity. Amen!”

Jesus advises the poor soul “to hide herself and to wrap herself up with her nothingness”.

18-8-1968 The poor soul – Sunday: Holy Mass, 11:00.
After Holy Communion, all of sudden the soul is strongly caught by a mysterious power.
While the God of love, Christ my only good, is still really present in my soul, the well known mysterious voice says to the little creature:

The Voice – The works of God are accomplished by themselves… what the little creature must do: to hide herself and wrap herself up in her nothingness… desiring and searching nothing else than the greater glory of God in the full accomplishment of His designs!

The poor soul – Having heard this, the soul, immediately the prey of a great joy, doesn’t understand, and is unable of restraining herself and exclaims: “O Divine Spirit of Eternal charity of our God of love… come, descend! You alone can take things to a good end and according to the decrees of Divine Wisdom!
Immaculate and dolorous Virgin, pray for me so my soul may not wander in misleading ways! O my blessed Mother, pray for me! Most Holy Heart of Jesus save me!”
Once the visit is over all came back to normal. Only a strong sensation and suffering remained in all the being.


The Oasis is mentioned for the first time: the Oasis, which is already being built, must be great and wonderful, worthy of the mission to which it is called.

20-8-1968 The poor soul – During the same day. Night: 22:30. After an hour of mysterious suffering.
The Voice – Then you will say yes! In that BLESSED OASIS, where the glorification of the Holy Spirit must start, according to the new Message established by my Heart, it is right that also the house be really worthy of the great Work.
The poor soul – Holy Mass: 11:00.
After Holy Communion, the soul is strongly caught by a mysterious action and at the end of the Mass she must stand apart. As soon as she is alone, she is even more caught: while she is being told:

The Voice – The Work which will be established in that happy “Oasis” is so great that it deserves an extensive and very beautiful building.
The poor soul – The visit has just ended when the soul is filled with an immense joy and led to exclaim: “My soul, blesses the Lord… He is the Saint, the Most High, the Eternal who will come down for the salvation of His people. Because His love is forever! And in the Divine Power of His infinite Charity, he will have compassion for us, wretched mortals, to lift us anew and lead us to his paternal and merciful Heart”.


The soul is in great fear of having given to the Minister of God very binding answers… But the Voice reassures her saying: “His Love shall build himself the great Work”

23-8-1968 The poor soul – Morning after breakfast: 8:30.
Contrary to her habit the soul is caught without being aware of it and she must retire to her room. Then, as if by instinct, and completely in raptures, she exclaims: “O God!… eternal Love, infinite… You reside in the glory of your immensity… O tender and infinite Love of the Father and Son… Divine Spirit who keeps this tiny creature so tightly bound to You… I adore you, in you I completely plunge myself… With You I want to wrap myself up, so that I may seek (with the help of Your warmth) nothing else but the Divine Son of the Father… But don’t you see how needy, wretched is your creature?… How miserable? So then, how is it possible that she could give Your Minister an answer without trembling with fright, for fear of being deceived by her imagination or by some mental switch?… I beg You, my God, don’t permit that I may be a cause of suffering, of a false step and of fruitless efforts… Besides, you know that nothing else can make me fear… because, for me, your little nothing, everything is good… everything is amiable… everything speaks of you to me, and leads me to you”.
At church.
Still under the mysterious action, the soul, without being aware, is already listening:

The Voice – Do not resist me… believe in what I made you understand… and I assure you that my Love itself will build the great Work. Time is already ripe and it is necessary to know and glorify finally, as he deserves, the Spirit of Eternal Charity for the salvation of men and for the greater glory of my Heart.