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Chapter twelve of the Book Divine Power of Love


Chapter twelve


The poor soul is named Disciple and Apostle of the Holy Spirit


“Tell my Minister to start working and do what I desire”.

28-5-1966 The poor soul – Morning.
After Holy Communion the soul cannot resist and must retire. During the meeting and thanksgiving:

The Voice – Nothing of what I have entrusted to you should be destroyed… all must be kept… for it must be made known to my Church later.

28-5-1966 The Voice – I was just waiting for you at Pentecost this year to manifest to you my designs openly. I did never attempt it before, so as not to contradict your natural repugnance to reveal my secrets which I have entrusted to you in the intimacy of your soul.
The whole past has been only a time of preparation for this date… But now the moment has come, to carry out what I have asked you for sometime… Tell my Minister to get to work and do what I desire. As for you, remain hidden.


Jesus declares that “a new light shall illuminate the whole earth… a new heat will warm the heart of men up… a new spirit will make all peoples fraternize”.

29-5-1966 The poor soul – During Holy Mass the soul is in raptures, while she hears in her intimacy:

The Voice – A new light will illuminate the whole earth, a new heat will warm the hearts of men up, and a new Christian spirit will make all peoples fraternize.

The poor soul – After a terrible and mysterious visit (refer to the date of May 28th, 1966) the soul remains strongly troubled and bewildered, not being able to believe to herself.

The poor soul – Same day: 14:30.
The poor creature finds herself in a violent torment! “It is useless to try and chase from my poor soul what happens in it since three days… I’m utterly defenceless… Nothing helps me anymore… O Divine Spirit! O Divine Pentecost of 1966… You shall always be imprinted on my soul! O most kind Jesus, the only Son of the Father, my heart is all for You… yet, save me in this hour of such a great test…”.


The poor soul hears what is said to her: “Today and for ever I see you as my Disciple and Apostle of the devotion to the Divine Eternal Spirit”.

The Voice – You try uselessly to run away from me… since it is precisely on this day that I awaited you… On this day which recalls the first solemn descent of the Holy Spirit, sent in my Name to the newborn Church… Now you must have no doubt… today and forever I shall see you as my Disciple and Apostle of the devotion to the Divine Eternal Spirit. Today I establish you as my intimate and faithful spouse of my Most Holy Heart… as the most bright and most ardent source of the Eternal Charity of the Father in whom I live… and with whom I am one only being. Yes, your soul from today and for ever will be mine as it never was in the past… That is why I shall expect from you a well-tried union and faithfulness to my desires; you will only consider yourself as my possession… searching but for my glory… and that of the Father in the tender flames of the Holy Spirit who unites and vivifies us.

The poor soul – “My Lord Jesus-Christ… here am I, make of me what you will… but, I pray you, assist me. Amen!”

Evening of the same day.
O God! My Lord Jesus-Christ! What has happened yesterday and today in my sick head? I still want to remain fixed in You! Yes, I do not want to lose my way… even with such strange things, my confidence in Your most loving Heart will remain firm! For I’m convinced that the road which leads to You will never be lost… and I want always to find it out and follow it, by all means. Yes, if I had to see my heart broken in account of my foolish actions and bleeding… yes, even then I shall hope in You and love You very much… However, today, the day of Pentecost, I beg You, have pity on Your poor little creature: come and help her. Remember I am Your creature, that You have redeemed… that You have sanctified. Remember that, in order to fulfil Your desires, I have completely vowed myself to You… come then and help me… so I may remain faithful to the decision I have taken of belonging always to You… to seek nothing outside of You… so that, when You shall call me, I may be there, where You wanted me since eternity.
O Mary, my tender Mother, Divine Spouse of the Holy Spirit, help me! Amen! Amen!


The poor soul is troubled for what she heard on Pentecost day. She suffers, but her choice is always: “Him, only Him”.

31-5-1966 The poor soul – Evening 17:00. During Meditation.
How meditate? My soul is strongly shaken from what she has heard in her intimacy the eve of Pentecost and the very day of Pentecost… Yet courage! I shall never retreat, not even one step… and I shall always follow you… O Jesus! Make of me what you will… as long as I can join you one day!
O Most Holy Virgin Mary, help me! Amen!

2-6-1966 88. The poor soul suffers, but her choice is always: “Him, only Him”.
The poor soul – Noon. At church. My dear soul!
“If it is necessary, to come to where he expects me, that I go through even such a suffering… I embrace it very willingly and I even want to love it… Yes! as long as He reigns in me and in all men! Henceforth He is my choice… Only Him! and in this thought I find all my strength”.

3-6-1966 The poor soul – Morning: during Holy Mass.
The soul remains most impressed by what she has been told the day of Pentecost and she begs her Lord to come to meet her for help… But, instead of this, He tells her:
The Voice – So, speak to my Minister and he, while keeping secret the source, shall make it known to His Excellency… If my new call is listened to, my Heart shall be fully honoured by it and glorified… and I shall spread immense benefits of grace and salvation for the souls and for society.