Presentation of Rev. Fr. David De Angelis Loreto, march 25th, 1975

The text of this book is extracted from a voluminous manuscript of more than 500 pages, written by the “poor soul” (that is her pen name) solely through obedience.
The texts herein repeat literally the original without any correction or manipulation. They have been chosen as being the most important, for the best understanding of the general context.
The ensemble consists of two parts:
– One, that of the “poor soul” who describes the development of facts, tells the particular circumstances and expresses her own feelings;
– The second, gives the words of the “Voice” which the confident hears, not through her ears, but from intimate feelings, so precise and intelligible that they are comparable to the hearing of a clear voice.
The division, in parts and paragraphs, is meant to clarify and facilitate the comprehension of the text. Titles and summaries were added, enumerated in progressive order for the same purpose.
The dates, given in the margin of the text, have been scrupulously verified.
The content, as a whole, is a Message from Heaven, a new manifestation of the love of God for men in view of their salvation and sanctification.
The object of the message concerns the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Spirit, and the faithful must know, love, adore, and glorify Him through a more solemn, practical and ardent cult.
It is addressed to the Church, spouse of Christ: to the priests, the consecrated souls and the faithful. It emphasises the necessity of a “New Pentecost”, of a “new spreading of the fire of the Holy Spirit”. Just as the Father, in the plenitude of times, sent his own Son to redeem humanity, so now the Son wants to reveal to the world the “marvels of the Holy Spirit” to save and sanctify it.
But, to make known this Message which will then produce its fruits, a centre of irradiation is necessary.
Moreover in this Centre is also necessary a Temple that will stand as the true home of the Holy Spirit. There, the Spirit of the Eternal charity of the Father and Son, shall descend and make his fixed dwelling to give light and grace to everyone who visits the Temple.
The cult of the Holy Spirit shall spread from Loreto where is already honoured and venerated the divine maternity of Mary of whom the Spirit of Love was the inexpressible author.
This is the first presentation of the messages given between November 1963 and December 1974; a distance of 11 years between the first hearing of the “Voice” of Jesus and the last, has given weight to the message itself and raised it above the impressions of the moment.
The style of the book is serious and flows with a precise logic in the sole view of saving and sanctifying souls by the glorification of the Holy Spirit.
The “poor soul”, revealer of the message, is unknown and hidden even to her closest sisters and so she will remain until her death, according to the express will of God.
She was chosen by Jesus as a “disciple and apostle of the Holy Spirit”, she lives and always will live in the shade, praying and suffering as an agreeable victim of the Heart of God.
The book is entitled “Divine Power of Love”, the new attribute under which Jesus desires that the eternal divine Spirit be honoured and glorified. He is the Power of Love, He who governs and directs all things, who loves to give himself and make himself understood.
May this publication of the great Message really enlighten every soul, warm them up and save them according to the divine purposes of the Lord Jesus.