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Why Pray to the Holy Spirit?

Third and final part of the online edition of the “little white book” of prayers Divine power of love: “Why pray to the Holy Spirit?”and brief overview of the “Work of the Holy Spirit


Why Pray to the Holy Spirit? Here are some passages of the great message communicated by Jesus to a beloved soul of His for the salvation and sanctification of the World. They are taken from the book “Divine Power of Love”.


10-11-1965 «Why doesn’t the Church, my Spouse, honour the Holy Spirit with a more solemn, fervent and practical cult among the faithful?».

11-11-1965 «Make yourself interpreter of my designs: I wish that the Church, mother and teacher of all believers, emphasizes the action of the Holy Spirit, Spirit of life, of truth, of justice, of love».

2-4-1966 «Therefore, listen to the voice of your most beloved Lord: the cult that I request in order to glorify more greatly the Holy Spirit, shall not be separated from that one that you must give to my Sacred Heartso it will in no way be a new cult».

2-4-1966 «My Church must give great prominence to the sanctifying action of the Holy Spirit in soulsShe must speak more about it. She must make it better known. She must make known to souls that without this Divine Spirit one can do nothing that can please the sanctity of the thrice Holy God…She must inculcate into souls an ardent and trustful love… She must invoke Him… She must make Him a familiar friend of every instant, because He alone is the inspirer of all good. He alone in the warmth of my most ardent love, transforms souls…. sanctifies our hearts. In this grave hour, only He can lead humanity to salvation!».

3-6-1966 «From Loreto a new light will spring forth to radiate the whole earth… and bring anew warmth into the hearts of men… in the glorification of the Holy Spirit».

5-8-1966 «The world of today needs this new Pentecostso that souls will feel shaken, enlightened and strengthened for a Christian life’s revivalof a life that will lead them faster to salvation and holiness. Oh how much the salvation of souls is on my heart! It is a exigency which I cannot renounce».

7-12-1966 «The attribute that will mostly make inroads in presenting this new appeal of my Heart, in honor of the Holy Spirit, will be that which is most glorious to Him: that is, “Divine Power of Love.Do you understand? Divine Power, but Power of Love».

10-12-1966 «It is only right that where my Most Holy Mother is devoutly honoured in the mystery of the first moment of my Incarnation as the Word of the Father, the Eternal Divine Spirit also be honoured, He who was its ineffable Maker».

24-12-1971 «The Holy Spirit, Spirit of the eternal Love of the Father and the Son, will descend and take permanent dwelling in that Sacred Temple to give light and grace to all those who visit it, and it will become a centre of irradiation of the Cult due to Him».

1-6-1972 «This is therefore the whole purpose of the Work: the glorification of the Holy Spirit. Indeed, precisely for this purpose it began, grew, and is successfully developing».

28-10-1974 «Get the land and start the construction of the Temple».

30-11-1974 «The Resources will never be lacking, because, being the Work of God, it will always be assisted and strengthened by the Power on High».

20-5-1988 «It is really my desire that this Temple be built, so that it can become a point of attraction for people’s hearts and a Monument of praise and of glory to God from the second Millennium to the third!».

21-5-1988 «At the touch of my grace everything will arrive at its fulfillment… and this Work too will be erected… and the Temple too… yes, the Temple will be built tooand I will dwell in it in a very special way, so that it can become throughout future ages a centre of attraction and of Irradiation for the salvation of very many souls and of the Society!».

23-5-1988 «This my Temple […] will be throughout the centuries of history, the memorial monument of the end of the Second Millennium to the Third. It will be established as a sign of light, of consolation and attraction for the salvation of souls in honour of the Holy Church of the true God, and to the glory and honour of the eternal Divine Spirit for ever and ever».

Centre of spirituality and apostolate of the Holy Spirit

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Why Pray to the Holy Spirit?



aims to put in place all the means and all the forces:

to make the faithful «know, love and glorify» the Holy Spirit;

to promote in the Church of God «a more solemn, ardent and practical worship» of the Holy Spirit;

to «give prominence to His action of life, truth, justice and love» in souls and society.

The Work includes the lay Association “Divine Power of Love”, canonically erected by the Bishop of Palestrina (Rome), composed of the faithful, men and women, who in their secular state of life live and testify their being Disciples and Apostles of the Holy Spirit, and the Religious Families, of men and women, also canonically erected, who live in their respective religious Houses of Palestrina.

They are souls who, promptly welcomed the call of the Lord, devoted themselves to the Divine Power of Love. They obey the voice of Jesus says: «I will inspire souls with so much good will that they will guide the Work along the paths of my designs» (11-12-1974).

We take advantage of the publication of these beautiful prayers and elevations to recall that every Christian soul is already a DISCIPLE and APOSTLE of the Holy Spirit, by the power of Baptism.

As a «disciple», the soul must remember that:

becoming a Christian at Baptism, he has received the Holy Spirit.

thanks to the presence of the Holy Spirit, he has become a Temple of God.

the Holy Spirit is God and can be «saddened» and also driven out by sin.

the Holy Spirit dwells in the soul as the Mover that puts everything in motion, as the Guide who directs everything, as the Master who teaches everything, as the Friend who keeps constant company. (STOP)

it is necessary, therefore, that the soul be moved and guided only by his gentle force, that it accept His divine teachings, that it have Him as its sole companion.

this divine presence makes the soul a daughter of the Father, a sister of Jesus, and a spouse of the Holy Spirit.

the constant presence of the Holy Spirit introduces the soul into the circle of divine life, through which God lives in the soul, and the soul in God.

the sweet Guest cannot be left alone: the soul must live by Him, for Him, in Him. So continuous absorption of mind, assiduous prayer, sweet conversation are necessary: at all times, in every place, in any kind of work.

through the Holy Spirit, the soul shares in the nobility of the divine family: therefore, it should never refuse, through sin, this elevated dignity.

As an «apostle», the believer should remember that:

on the day of Holy Confirmation, he/she has accepted the solemn duty, impressed with an indelible character, to be a living image of Christ and to be a witness to Him everywhere and always.

this commitment stimulates and urges him/her unceasingly to spread Christ’s Kingdom everywhere.

his/her zeal should be similar to that of the Apostles after the descent of the Holy Spirit, on the day of Pentecost.

his/her word ardent in kindling Faith, Hope and Charity, and fiery against evil of all sorts and kinds, in any place and any time, should destroy the kingdom of darkness in order to build up the Kingdom of Christ.

he/she has the duty, through its words and actions, to make people understand that they are God’s temples and, as such, they deserve the greatest respect for their soul and body.

Christians should be aware that the Holy Spirit, who is in them through the grace of Baptism, has elevated them to the greatest dignity, through which have become sons of God.

they should therefore defend this divine nobility from all assaults of the Evil One, by loving the truth and the good, and by avoiding evil.

as our Redemption, accomplished by Christ, was a work of this Divine Power of Love, so, also the application of the fruits of Redemption through the Sacraments is a work of the same Divine Spirit.

everything will be renewed if the baptised person receives His light, His love, His strength.

the supernatural life in the Church and our souls is completely the work of the Holy Spirit.

the Centre of irradiation undertakes a wide activity of apostolate in Italy and abroad in continual development and, having concluded all bureaucratic dealings, it has started the works for the construction of the Temple and the Citadel for the glorification of the Holy Spirit, according to the divine desire to create a center of worship and of adoration of the Divine Power of Love.

he/she can always turn to this Centre for directives, advice and to get apostolate material for the glory of the Spirit of Eternal Charity.

Groups of Disciples and Apostles of the Holy Spirit

We exhort all those who have been following our work to form Cenacles of prayer, to make the Holy Spirit better known, loved and glorified.

These groups can be formed within family or among several families, and also of a few persons. They can meet in any house or place, and at any time. If possible, it would be better that they meet once a week, or every fortnight, or as a minimum once a month.

At the meeting, in imitation of Our Lady and the Apostles in the Cenacle, they will listen to the Word of God, read and comment on it, and they will utter prayers and invocations to the Holy Spirit. They should have on hand at least the New Testament, the book “Divine Power of Love” and this booklet. Where possible, the cenacles should come together in the church and, in accordance with the Pastor, a monthly votive Mass of the Holy Spirit should be celebrated.

We extend our invitation also to particularly sensitive souls… to those who need light, strength and love… to the little and innocent ones. All will leave the cenacles more spiritually ready, more hopeful, more enlightened.

Why not try? It costs nothing to try. Oh, the Holy Spirit is never invoked in vain!

Thousands of these small cenacles can bring a new «wave of fire of the Holy Spirit» and «renew the face of the earth».

In order to make the Holy Spirit known, loved and glorified, and to facilitate the formation of the cenacles, we have printed some texts, among them the book “Divine Power of Love”; on our web site you can also find other materials and meditations in mp3 format (in Italian) that you can download and listen to directly or ask to be sent to your home.

Prayer for vocations

Come, Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and of the Son,
Soul of my soul, my consoler
come, I adore You!
Give rise to many and faithful Disciples,
Religious and laity that are consecrated to you,
transform them all into pious and zealous Apostles
and the face of the earth will be renewed!

We accept any offering to support our apostolate in the world and for the construction of the Temple and Citadel of the Holy Spirit.

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The Disciples and Apostles of the Holy Spirit know and embrace all the Truths professed by the Holy Catholic Church and refute all that which is contrary to her teachings.

Those enrolled, accepting the ends of the Association described in its Statues, consecrate themselves to the Divine Power of Love, to which they give their intellect, their heart, their will and their whole being, temple of the Holy Spirit.

They commit themselves to make known, loved and glorified the Holy Spirit, in order to promote a more solemn, ardent and practical worship, and to give prominence to his action of life, truth, justice and love.

Remembering the words of Jesus: «Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them» (Matthew 18:20), they organize Cenacles of Prayer, in one or more families, and in the parish, and become team-leaders.

They dedicate the first Wednesday of the month to the Holy Spirit, offering him a time of prayer, all the joys and sufferings of the day, by promoting and organizing, in Parishes and in other public oratories, the monthly Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit and the Novena in preparation for the feast of Pentecost.

They invoke several times a day the Holy Spirit with the Sequence and with short prayers, they recite the Angelus, remembering the Incarnation of the Word of God, of which the Holy Spirit was the ineffable Author.

Ask any question about becoming a part of the Association: you will feel yourselves more united to the Most Divine Spirit and more impelled to make him known, loved, and glorified.